Where do we start? This year’s Outside Change Cup was such an amazingly overwhelming one to say the least. There are so many people to thank so here we go.
Firstly, to Massimo Arcolin & Laura Zmajkovicova and Stanislav Zelianin & Irina Cherepanova. What can one say but simply and truly A-MAZ-ING. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.To our fabulous family of sponsors and supporters, you are all simply the best and this event could not possibly without your wonderful support.
To the ever amazing Julie Shen, we love you so much, your support, encouragement, wisdom and most of all friendship is unmatched by any other, and we cannot thank you enough. Regina Wong & Pao Na Na, so wonderful to have you here with us finally, and your sponsorship of the Amateur Latin and the wonderful showdance by Pao Na Na with Salvatore Sinardi, was just incredible, thank you.
DanceSurance, WOW! Your amazing $10,000 Dennis Foley Career Development Grant for the Amateur Ballroom was just sensational. A never before prize given in Australia for any one event, truly overwhelming. Gail & Verity, you are two special ladies and we cannot thank you enough for your wonderful and continued support.
Thomas & Stephanie of Integris Group Services, your continued support, guidance and encouragement is so much appreciated and your wonderful support towards ParaDance in Victoria is so humbling for us all so thank you. Here is to seeing what we can achieve as a team in the future. It is only going to get bigger and better, we hope you are in for the ride.
Angie Chau, you’re so wonderful and supportive, here is to many more fun times ahead. Andrew Dinnage & Kim Collett, amazing, what can one say. Thank you so much for all you do for us. Tomoko Isozaki from Japan, thank you once again for your support.
To the anonymous sponsor who was responsible for giving all of the Australian competitors back their event entry fees, thank you so much. This mater started off in rather shakey territory, but we solved the problem and still gave back to the Australian competitors, so thank you from us on behalf of all competitors regarding these refunds.
To all of our other amazing Sponsors, My Dance Assistant, DMP Media, Motiv8 Dance Studio, Move Studios, Pachanga Dance Studio, New Vogue Conveyancing, DanceSport Victoria, Kerrie Rolls Bourke Photography, Knight Limousines, Persona Dance, Royal East Restaurant, Seafood Link, Shimmying Flames Belly Dance, Burn The Floor, Prime2Perform, Dance On Us Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Special mention to our OC Cup ambassadors and support crew, Anna Longmore, Dom Trimboli and Jenni Pedersen, we would not have survived the weekend without all three of you there, amazing thank you. Above and beyond is all we can say, truly appreciated and loved so very much. Our small but wonderful team of workers on the day Janet Ainsworth, Linda Aykens thank you.
Vik Morgan, and Team NZ, just brilliant, thank you. We love having each and every one of you here every year. Here is to many more. To our overseas visitors Nguyen Giang Chau & Anna Lam from Vietnam, Wendy Rosalind Johnson & Ray Rivers from the USA, Nami Shoji from Japan and of course one of our driving forces, Karen Hardy, please keep pushing us to strive for excellence as we know there is so much more that can be done and we are far from over with our goals and dreams. To the competitors, unbelievable. You were all truly amazing and it is so wonderful to have a group of dancers that truly wanted to be there and put themselves on that floor without fear, and for the love of dance and the love of our fabulous industry, Ballroom Dancing. To the music men Michael Gunasekera & Keith Eaton, consider yourselves booked for 2024, Much love your way. Our floor marshalls Max & Jean, true professionals in this area and to Brenton our scrutineer, your professionalism is so wonderful, thank you.
Two people that cannot be missed and make the day run so very smoothly, our MC’s Laurie & Dianne Peterson, you work your magic every year to stay on time and to keep the event running without a hitch. We love you so very much.
Lastly, to the Plaza Ballroom, your operation is second to none. All of the staff are just first class, from technicians behind the scenes to the wait staff, you are all amazing but most importantly to our Event Manager, the incredible Sarah Harvey, you are just so wonderful, thank you.So for now, it is time for some little rest, but we must say that preparations for 2024 are well underway. Thank you once again to each and every one of you. We are truly blown away by the feedback and what we have all just achieved last weekend. Here is to 2024 and beyond. Together, Everyone Really Does Achieve More.