

I wish to extend my huge congratulations to Jason Beaman and Brent Olifent of the Outside Change Cup and Freedom to Dance Ball 2022 for the most magnificent festival of dance and celebrations this weekend in Melbourne, Australia.

For any organisers of such spectacular events, I can’t even begin to imagine the pressures and stresses you have been under during these last years of Covid to keep your heads above water.

But Jason and Brent, you held strong and delivered above and beyond anyone’s expectations. The passion and commitment you have to deliver nothing less than the best experience for everyone from the dancers, to spectators, sponsors to adjudicators and more was so wonderful to have experienced in person.

True ambassadors of our industry wanting to deliver nothing but the best for everyone attending.

I extend my sincere congratulations to you both and to all those wonderful dancers who for so many was also their first time back on the dance floor after waiting so so long…what a way to be welcomed back.

Wishing you every success for your future growth and visions for so many to continue to enjoy. – Karen Hardy (UK)❤️ – Former British Closed, UK Open, World Masters Professional Latin Champion

I would like share, with my grateful heart, the special memorable event I was a part of at the last weekend in Melbourne. It was a celebratory project, one dance show case that I have been working on to mark my milestone birthday and my dancing journey. I have enjoyed every minute of it and for the first time It felt like the music wasn’t long enough. This would not have been possible without Rhett Salmon and without the amazing opportunity was given by the wonderful event, Outside Change Cup & freedom To Dance Ball, organised by Jason and Brent, at the most beautiful place at magnificent Plaza Ballroom. I almost felt like performing at the Oscar award ceremony 😁I am also feel so privileged to have so many amazing people around me, have met more beautiful people at the event cocktail party to inspire and encourage me, far too many to name them all. 🙏🏻 Nothing would have come to a beautiful fruition without them helping, supporting and guiding me. Thank you all so much 🙏🏻🥰💕for being a part of my journey. – Francesca Beresford (Queensland)

And that’s a wrap. Congratulations Outside Change, Jason, Brent and everyone involved in the 2022 Outside Change Cup, Freedom to Dance Ball. An exceptional day and evening of dancing and entertainment. I don’t think there were many hearts that weren’t warmed by watching the ballroom come alive with dancing. Congratulations again. – Jackie & Mat Unwin, Motiv8 Dance

What a wonderful evening at Outside Change Cup❤️. Congratulations Jason and Brent on a truly amazing event! Presenting the DanceSurance Outside Change Cup to the winners is always a very proud moment for us! Can’t wait for next year ❤️DanceSurance

Thank you to Jason and Brent for a wonderful experience, super star event. – Nicola Sturcke (Western Australia)

To Jason and Brent, another amazing Outside Change 2022 #occup5. A venue and competition very dear to my heart. Have not missed one yet. This competition is very much a Freedom to Dance. For myself as a ProAm competitor felt very proud to be dancing with and against the best of best, and to make it thru to both our standard finals in an open age group. Jason and Brent your attention to detail is second to none. To make us feel so special. – Jennifer Jones (Queensland)

Congratulations Jason & Brent on an amazing event & the opportunity to dance at such a beautiful venue, we’ll be back next year! – James Van Elswyk & Jody Rollason (Queensland)

Thank you Outside Change 2022, Jason Beaman and Brent Olifent for organizing this extravaganza. We love every moment of it from the people, the Blackpool music, venue and atmosphere it was such a magical moment to us. – Kevin & Jam (South Australia)