Give Back To Dance


Let’s help the dance community here in Australasia recover from COVID-19.

What You Can Do To Give Back?

  • Offer Time
  • Offer Discounts
  • Offer Services

Whom To Give Back Too?

It’s up to you! Let’s try and help the dance community and each other get back on our feet the best way possible.

How Much To Give Back?

Anything from 1% to 100%, whatever you are comfortable with based on your circumstances and kindness.

TEAMTogether Everyone Achieves More has never been more relevant than now.

In the UK, some high profile Professionals in the industry are giving up to 25% discounts on lessons, others are offering FREE or discounted workshops and practice classes. Some are giving an extra 10 or 15 minutes in private lessons. whatever is possible.

Other dance related businesses such as Photographers are giving discounted photo packages, dancewear shops are offering discounts and vouchers. We will do our best to provide a list of those supporting and giving back to the dance community during these times.

If you would like to be included on the list of those in our industry giving something back to the dance community, please email us at
